terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2016

How my IELTS Life Skills A1 exam was

So I'm back here (after a long time) to tell you. I Survived!
I was pretty nervous, it wasn't really needed, but I was anyway.
Once there, I realised I did not have a colour copy of my passport and I had to work it all out, so here's a tip: take the COLOUR copy of your passport and the original with you to the exam, okay?
The test is carried out in pairs and follows some steps:

1- Introduction:
Say your full name and then spell it. Talk about where you are from and say a little about the place you live (how is your neighbourhood and how are your neighbours for example) and why you like to live there.

2- Listening
Two audios are played for you to hear and you answer a question (each) about one of the audios, then listen again and make up two more questions (for each) on the other audio which the other had not previously answered. They intersperse the audios that each participant will answer each time, but it is usually very basic day-to-day subject, mine was about going to the store to buy something and you can make notes for what you will say if you want. The good thing is that they ask the questions before we hear the audio for the second time, then when you hear again you are already thinking about what you want to answer and this helps you to pay more attention to the detail. For example, for me they asked what the person was buying (about the first audio), and what day of the week she would like the product delivered and the price of it (about the second audio). And that was it =)

3- Speaking
After this stage, we answered some personal questions based on the listening subject. In my case it was like, you like to buy? At where? What? You choose fast or slow? Because? This kind of thing.
And then,
The test supervisor gives a theme for each of the candidates to formulate some questions to the other candidate about the new topic that was given. You can write down the questions you will have decided on.
I had to ask the other candidate about "what do you like to do when you're among friends," and he made me questions about "what I like in relation to the learning the English language." Both subjects were told by the lady who was guiding us on the exam.

By the end we heard a "thank you very much! Your test is finished, bye-bye!" and entered the anxiety of waiting for the result for 2 weeks.

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