This subject can be a little delicate or cause misunderstandings, but let's go...
Some people in Brazil may have a distorted view that a Brazilian girl's life who gets married a foreign guy (or of a Brazilian guy that gets married with a foreign woman too) is always a bed of roses. In fact, it has its wonders and difficulties as any marriage, like any other relationship. There is nothing rosy in real life, it is what it is. And I'm not saying that it's bad, just normal! Also, some people abroad may have a different view of reality of how it is to be married to a Brazilian. of course it's no crime to think so, but sometimes we let ourselves be carried away by media stereotypes: Carnival, Brazilian bums, samba, football (soccer), Pelé, Rio de Janeiro, favelas... and our Brazil has so many other beauties for us to talk about, huh? =)
Anyway, so here we go:
Part 1 - Every foreigner is rich

No, what happens is the currency of some of them (either sterling, dollars or euros, for example) has greater value than our "Dilma" (actual Brazilian president) [Brazilian Real BRL (R$)]. In their country many are middle class actually, living normally (and of course with all benefits of living in a first world country), like any normal person. The fact that "gringos" (how we call foreigners) come to Brazil and spend a lot of money, enjoy all the best, doesn't mean that they are rich, but they obviously gain in a money conversion to our money as they have a better and stronger economic situation (their countries) and their money has greater value than our and, moreover, who doesn't like to enjoy all the best when you can or when you are on vacation? But, for example, our money is still worth more than "peso" (MXN) and "peso" (ARS), so not every gringo is rich, just as not every gringo is poor. We can also enjoy our money in countries that have a weaker currency than ours. Generalizing is always a problem in any statement, but depending on the origin country of the foreigner in question and the currency that he/;she will use to convert, he/she can arrive here in Brazil with more than enough money, yeah. Anyway, just know that to marry a gringo doesn't mean neither "to have hit the jackpot" nor "winning the lottery".
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